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Interview with renowned fitness coach Kevin Rail

The Third Rail Is Always Hot – and so is Kevin Rail, today’s fitness dude in the Who Are You podcast.

Every now and then you come across an electric and eclectic individual in the fitness industry that gets you excited and makes you want to do more to get healthy. In this case, that eye-electric individual is Kevin Rail. His health and fitness specialties include, among many other things, motivation, human behavior, public speaking, and of course, very serious fitness and nutrition applications.

This eclectic and deeply passionate man pulls no punches in this interview. Be prepared to hear strong opinions and if you’re not buckled up, do so now!

He’s also a veritable modern day Renaissance man. Here’s proof: he’s also an actor (The Legend of Awesomest Maximus), musician (actually plays the Lute in the movie just mentioned); and author. He’s penned an paperback and eBook called Act of Nutrition; it’s chock full of healthy, organic recipes.

Kevin is all about helping people but he doesn’t beat around the bush when making his points. He aims to be instrumental in changing the health and size, e.g., body size, of the entire nation. In addition to his book, he has written thousands of articles related to health, fitness and nutrition, and has done multiple wellness seminars and consultations.

To get there fast, his way of communicating is to clear out all the noise in the way, telling you exactly how he sees it. If he thinks he needs to make a point about something he’s passionate about that will help you – which is just about everything – you’re going to hear it; so strap up because he’s going to come right to the point, cut down on the waste and tell you all about it. But he cares. He does it this way because he wants to get you to your goal as fast as you want to get there; so all the noise in-between has to go.

He takes each individual as just that – an individual. This insures people get the right solutions to their specific issues. For example, he builds workouts for people based specifically on their individual situation believing one size does not fit everyone.

And if he cannot find the solution right off the top of his deeply learned and experienced brain, he’ll take the time to find it.

Kevin says “I help people make behavioral changes related to fitness, nutrition, weight, stress, health and life issues. This is done through face-to-face interaction, on the phone or through the internet. When people have trouble staying or getting motivated to make positive changes, I help them create answers to their own problems and hold them accountable.”

Come on in; check out the Third Rail of fitness, Kevin Rail. Prepare to hear an opinion – or two (or three, etc.).

P.S. (Kevin is currently offering an online fitness course at http://restoreyourfitness.com/. I feel he’s priced it too low because his value is so huge and he changes lives; but if you’re interested in getting trained by one of the best, click on the link and learn more.)


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