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 In The "Who Are You?" Podcast

Six months. No running water, no conveniences of home. Constantly on the move. Absorbing the remarkable beauty of the open wilderness, while simultaneously battling everything Mother Nature has to throw at you, from pouring rain, to wild animals, to lightening right above your head. That is the reality of a long-haul hike.

This week we are back in the studio with Dr. Robert Dery, a mountaineer and explorer turned Emergency Room Doctor. He’s here again to give us more insight about what long-haul hiking is really about, how to prepare, and what to expect, both physically and mentally.

It’s not only weather and terrain you have to battle while you’re on the trail, it’s yourself as well. Why are you doing this? Why not turn back? Why continue? Dr. Dery gives us a glimpse into what it took to keep him on the trail in terms of supplies and logistics, as well as the mental fortitude required to stay motivated and focused for six months in the natural world.

If you are an explorer and you are wondering things like: Should I do it alone or should I go with a group? How do I stay fully supplied for six months? How and when can I have hot meals? How should I prepare for weather? Some insider tips and personal experiences are just a click away. Press play today, start your adventure tomorrow!

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