What a giant & delightful personality, and body of knowledge, Elle Russ has. You just have to listen to her. She is a very talented individual form highly skilled improve comedian with one of the most famous improve companies to figuring out her medical issues regarding a serious thyroid condition.
She suffered from two bouts of severe hypothyroidism and figured out how to heal herself on her own ultimately regaining her health and consequently, her happiness. Her story on this condition and how it affected her is profound. You gotta hear it.
She’s passionate about spreading the paleo/primal health message and coaching people on how to live an amazing life, with ease. She’s done it all, really – a writer, health coach and Elle is a barrel of fun, faced paced, highly knowledgeable and you’ll be glad you spent some time with her, here. And remember, she’s the host of the The Primal Blueprint Podcast. Check that out too.
Come on in, take a listen and get to know one of the funniest, and smartest, personalities you’ll ever meet.