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7 Summits Climber, the amazing Lori Schneider

Here is an absolutely amazing, inspiring and awe striking woman, the fantabulous elite mountaineer, Lori Schneider who conquered the 7 summits. (She’ll never call herself and elite athlete – but she is!) And how she finished it all off will surprise and inspire you.

As journalist Tom Held of the Journal Sentinel said:

‘Schneider stepped to the summit of Mount Everest, in sunshine and bitter cold, on a Saturday morning becoming the first woman with multiple sclerosis to reach the roof of the world. Standing at 29,035 feet, the adventurer unfurled a banner for World MS Day, and then called her father, in Janesville from atop the mountain. Everest was the final peak in her quest to scale the seven summits, the tallest peak on each continent’. (http://archive.jsonline.com/news/health/45924582.html.)

Lori developed a global case of wanderlust when she was 15 years old. Traveling to the all corners of the earth, she sought out interesting and unique cultures, people, and challenging experiences to steep herself in.

One morning Lori awoke with numbness in over 50% of her body. Within two months, whatever it was had spread throughout her entire body. It turned out to be multiple sclerosis (MS).

When the crippling shock of the diagnosis lessened long enough for her to see more clearly, Lori decided to accelerate her love of travel and mountains setting out to climb the highest peak on each continent. Nothing like a challenge

With the highest peaks in Africa, Europe, South America, North America, Australia, Antarctica, and Asia under her belt, Lori became the first person in the world with MS to conquer the “Seven Summits.”

Lori’s message to adults and children alike, reminds us that if we believe, we can achieve.

Lori is an elite mountaineer, educator, international speaker and advocate. Through her organization, “Empowerment Through Adventure,” she inspires others to take their own leap of faith, scaling life’s mountains and obstacles, and climbing beyond their own preconceived limitations. She is also the author of several books, including More than a Mountain-Our Leap of Faith. Check out more of Lori here:

Listen into this crazily incredible of physical prowess, falling down hard, and then lifting oneself back up both physically and mentally to achieve at the highest – no pun intended at all – heights.


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