Immune Support
Vasodilation & Oxygen Support
NooTropic Brain Support
Stress Relief Support
Weight Loss
Vasodilation, Oxygen, Immune Support
Whole Body Support


I was in a downward spiral mentally, emotionally, and physically.  Whereas I was getting stronger in my workouts, I was losing my stamina slowly but surely.  And the more I tried to do endurance training of any type, the more I would lose.  Eventually it came to a point where I wouldn’t me able to socialize after a workout because the emotional drain I experience post workout was debilitating.  I’ve been slowly putting on weight too, which is different than normal, usually in this depressive state I would lose weight, but I’ve been very intentional with my eating, but the opposite has become the effect.  During any type of aerobic exercise my heart would race and I would have these mini anxiety attacks and as my heart would give out on my I would lose control of my limbs and would end up just slowly slogging through the workout before finally either quitting early or finishing last by a long shot.  Granted I suffer from depression and anxiety but for a guy who has been very dedicated and disciplined in training, eating, and resting for over a year now, this is a very real concern.  I started myself on Branch Chain Amino Acids and protein to help with recovery.  No benefit to training.  I tried taking a week off here and there.  No change at all, not in feeling better, or having more energy.  I tried sleeping more, didn’t help.  I tried eating more dark green leafy veggies.  My body likes it, but it didn’t help in a training sense.  I became discouraged as I couldn’t seem to figure out what was wrong with me, it certainly wasn’t over training, and many other people, in worse circumstances than I, in worse emotional states than me, were not having this problem.  In fact after every workout I just felt like borderline weeping…  then after a few minutes the endorphins would do their magic and I would feel at least human again.

My coach had me start taking Brazil Nuts because they are the food with the highest concentrate of Selenium in nature in a form that your body can maximally absorb it.  Our bodies use Selenium to manufacture Testoserone, which has a ton of health benefits from fighting cancer to fighting depression to muscle development to mental alertness and happier feelings.    The morning after I had taken my first “dose” of four nuts I felt like the choking anxiety in my throats was gone.  The next few days proved to be more and more emotionally stable and energetic.  Then I started Biotropic AFA as well.

I went for a slow run with my friend. It lasted 45 minutes, I hadn’t run in months so I was not conditioned for running at all.  Plus I ran in my brand new Newton running shoes that have a very unique running design that depends of the runner developing strong calf muscles.  I expected my calves to be sore because of the lack of conditioning.  Not only was I able to run the entire time and carry on a conversation with my friend, I haven’t been sore from the running in the slightest.  I though that was quite odd actually.  But then today I lifted at the gym and that’s where I felt a huge difference.  Not only was I able to power through the workout while huffing and puffing, this time without the “anxiety attack symptoms” I felt like joking around and being sociable immediately following the workout.  My time was pretty fast, but I felt FANTASTIC.  I am totally convinced this is because of the two things.  And I’m excited to have this major change. It just physically but emotionally as well.  Please pass this along to our friends at Biotropic please.  I’m no slouch when it comes to being an athlete, and I know what it means to train hard and long.  And this is proving to help me in an area I did not previously have the tools to help. THANK YOU so much for making this possible!!!!!

Photo credit for this to Val Laroco.