Immune Support
Vasodilation & Oxygen Support
Vasodilation, Oxygen, Immune Support
NooTropic Brain Support
Stress Relief Support
Weight Loss
Vasodilation, Oxygen, Immune Support
Whole Body Support

Cassandra Vince

This past year was my final year as a collegiate distance runners. Going into the year my coach and I sat down and discussed the goals I wanted to accomplish my final year. I had some very lofty goals which included running PR’s in every event including the: 800m, mile, 5k, and 10k. I knew in order to reach these goals I would have to train hard but smart. I began to do some research on natural supplements which would allow me to sustain a higher level of training that I have ever had before as well as aid in recovery from the training. Luckily for me I came across BioTropic’s Lab AFA supplement which is an all natural/ GMO free supplement which cis made from ingredients shown to increase sports performance. I began taking the supplement in November of 2018 and by the end of January I was beginning to see results. I was able to complete longer and harder workouts than ever before and I was also recovering faster from them which allowed me to complete workouts more frequently. During my final colligate track season I PR’d in every race distance. Set a top-10 All time indoor record for the 3000m and 5000m for Division III. I became an All American indoor in the 5000m. I set a huge PR in the outdoor 10k of 34:26 which qualified me for Division III outdoor nationals. Now post-collegiately I am training for my first marathon in hopes of hitting the Olympic Trials qualifier standard this fall at the Indianapolis Monumental Marathon on November 9th. Taking the AFA supplement has become a normal part of my daily regimen and a supplement that I would recommend to any runner regardless of their age or running ability.