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Vasodilation, Oxygen, Immune Support
NooTropic Brain Support
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From: $51.01 every 2 months

The best Brain Lifting Nootropic on the market is NeuTrō, the finest 39 ingredient brain support supplement available for laser like focus and awareness.

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NeuTrō – we believe it’s the finest proprietary synergistic NooTropic blend ever created, and know you will too.

Your brain needs the very best nutrients to operate sustainably, effectively and efficiently. NeuTrō was created to safely and naturally deliver on these three areas and more, elevating your brain power exponentially so you can think more clearly, alertly, adroitly getting more done with clarity.

A well-nourished brain is an effective brain; and as you’ll discover as you continue reading, NeuTrō has a vast array of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that are unsurpassed when it comes to NooTropic brain nourishing and fog vaporizing benefits.


This proprietary ingredient matrix works synergistically. Each of these 39 ingredients has brain-boosting properties by themselves. But when taken together, they provide your brain with a powerful mix of nutrients to supercharge your mental performance – whether you’re looking for a cognitive boost, or fighting the effects of age-related decline.


Our modern, super fast paced world is stressful and toxic, and this results in a brain that is not operating at peak capacity. You’re struggling with brain fog, having trouble focusing, or dealing with a lack of motivation – NeuTro gives you that elusive but magical mental edge you’ve been searching for. In fact, after trying it, you may wonder how you ever got anything done without it.With NeuTrō, the sum truly is greater than its individual parts. Combining our collection of nutrients creates support for more potent physiological effects. And this nutrient synergy can also enhance absorption, which is an often-overlooked aspect of supplementation. After all, your body has to be able to use what you give it.


This stack of ingredients acts like a HIGH POWERED RELAY TEAM,
with each ingredient handing the baton off to the next brain-boosting ingredient in the series.


This amino acid is produced by the body, but not in optimal amounts. L-glutamine fuels two important neurotransmitters – glutamic acid and GABA – that contribute to a brain that’s more alert and focused. It’s also widely used as a natural treatment for ADD.


Molybdenum is an essential trace element. And while studies of it are sparse, many people have reported significant improvements in brain fog when supplementing with it.

Your cerberial team…..


Bacopa is named after the Hindu god of creation, and is an all-star herb when it comes to nootropics. It greatly enhances the effects of neurotransmitters like acetylcholine (known as the learning transmitter), while also protecting against Alzheimer’s and dementia. And because it improves the transmission of nerve impulses, it’s also used as a natural treatment of ADHD.

Bacopa is also a powerful adaptogen. Adaptogens are truly special, as they provide your body with whatever it needs. As the name implies, an adaptogen helps the body to adapt to whatever stress it encounters. And since chronic stress wreaks havoc on the brain, and its ability to operate effectively, any substance that can reduce that stress will improve cognition.

One 12-week study at the Neuropsychology Laboratory at the School of Biophysical Science and Electrical Engineering in Australia confirmed what researchers had long suspected. The participants in the bacopa group consumed 300mg daily, and improved in every area – information processing, memory, and learning – compared to participants in the placebo group who showed no improvement.


Green tea is a fantastic nootropic for two main reasons. First, it’s extremely high in antioxidants – polyphenols, catechins, flavonoids, and the very-special epigallocatechin gallate, mercifully known as EGCG. Researchers in one recent study found that mental decline was slowed or even reversed, including dementia, in those supplementing with EGCG.

The second reason green tea is so powerful as a nootropic, is the presence of both caffeine and the amino acid, L-theanine. Caffeine on its own, in numerous studies, has shown an ability to improve mood, memory, reaction time, and overall brain function. And L-theanine on its own increases GABA activity. But together, the effects are significantly heightened, making green tea a potent cognitive enhancer.


Huperzine A is an alkaloid compound from the plant Huperziceae. It’s a powerful cognitive booster, memory enhancer, and overall promoter of healthy brain function. And like phosphatidylserine, Huperzine A maximizes the production of acetylcholine, which you may recall is the learning transmitter.

Long-time fans of nootropics love Huperzine A’s effects and potency. Studies have shown that it has a protective effect on neurons, as well as the ability to reduce oxidative damage. And recently, it has gained recognition as a supplement often used by retired football players with histories of concussions.


DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is a type of omega-3 fatty acid. As your brain is nearly 60 percent fat, consuming healthy fats will always improve cognitive function. DHA reduces the risk of neurological and psychological ailments, depression, PTSD, and Alzheimer’s disease.

DHA improves cell signaling, and makes your brain less susceptible to oxidative stress. It activates the brain’s growth hormone – BDNF – which contributes to the production of new brain cells. And it protects existing cells, and enhances neuroplasticity.

This amino acid is produced by the body, but not in optimal amounts. L-glutamine fuels two important neurotransmitters – glutamic acid and GABA – that contribute to a brain that’s more alert and focused. It’s also widely used as a natural treatment for ADD.

Molybdenum is an essential trace element. Many people have reported significant improvements in brain fog when supplementing with it.

Boron is a chemical element that helps the body metabolize vitamins and minerals. It has long had the reputation as a brain nutrient. In one study, participants who consumed 3.25mg of boron daily showed improvements in memory, hand-eye coordination, task performance, attention, and perception.

Choline is an essential nutrient, and one that is similar to the B vitamins. It aids in producing methylation, which creates DNA and improves nerve signaling. And it’s important in acetylcholine functioning, which helps nerves communicate better, resulting in improved mental clarity and memory.

When combined with choline, the two produce some powerful nootropic benefits. Inositol is also similar to the B vitamins, and in fact, it’s sometimes called B8. It’s a required nutrient for all major neurotransmitters to relay messages, which is essentially how your cells communicate – a function that is much more important than it sounds.

Inositol contributes to better sleep, faster learning, and improved mood and cognition. In short, it’s important for nearly all brain functions.


Bilberry Fruit Extract
Bilberry is a close relative of the blueberry, and is best known as perhaps the strongest supplement for eye health. It’s absolutely loaded with antioxidants known as anthocyanosides. This category of antioxidants helps build strong blood vessels, which aids in improving circulation to your brain.

Grape Seed Extract
This extract is flush with antioxidants, and the reason red wine is considered (kind of) healthy. One particular group of antioxidants in grape seed extract, Oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes (or OPC), contributes to greater mitochondrial function, which has to do with a cell’s ability to produce energy. Animal studies involving grape seed extract have uncovered its ability to reverse hippocampal dysfunction, which is responsible for memory, and helping to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

Olive Leaf
Olive leaf was first used medicinally thousands of years ago in ancient Egypt. The main compound, oleuropein, reduces the risk of age-related mental decline, dementia, and Alzheimer’s. Its antioxidant properties also protect against memory loss.

Cinnamon Bark Extract
Cinnamon has an antioxidant profile that is nearly unmatched. During one particular study, clinicians identified 41 protective compounds, including polyphenols, phenolic acid, and flavonoids, all of which protect against neurological disorders like Parkinson’s disease. Cinnamon also stimulates brain activity, memory, and visual recognition.

This superstar neurotransmitter has one main job, but it does it really well. GABA reduces neuronal nervous system excitability, which is a fancy way of saying it has a calming effect on your nervous system. It’s also a great supplement for more restful sleep, and even improves your ability to focus, which makes it an effective treatment for ADHD.

N-Acetyl Tyrosine
This nutrient is a more easily absorbed form of the amino acid, L-tyrosine. It can improve memory, boost dopamine production, and reduce stress. And according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, it’s also important for the production of neurotransmitters like epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin.

Phosphatidylserine is a phospholipid and the main component of a cell’s membrane. It aids in neurotransmitter activity and cell-to-cell communication. And it reduces cortisol (stress hormone) levels in the brain.

Researchers have discovered phosphatidylserine’s ability to slow, and even reverse, cognitive decline. It improves memory, concentration, and mood. And it increases dopamine and acetylcholine production.

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Vitamin A
Vitamin A, in the form of beta carotene, can help improve your memory, including your ability to for new memories. It also increases neurogenesis (the production of new neurons) and neuroplasticity – the brain’s ability to adapt and reorganize in response to changing conditions.

Beta carotene is also a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants offset the damage done by oxidation and free radicals. Oxidation occurs throughout your entire body. But as your brain uses more than 20% of all available oxygen in your blood, it’s especially vulnerable. So it’s not surprising that vitamin A deficiency can result in cognitive dysfunction.

Vitamin C
The original vitamin supplement, Vitamin C, does a lot more than prevent scurvy. It’s essential for the production of neurotransmitters, also known as chemical messengers. Neurotransmitters improve focus, memory, and concentration. Vitamin C also enables your body to better absorb iron, which is an essential component of hemoglobin – the substance that delivers oxygen to your brain.

Vitamin C also improves blood flow to your brain, which, in turn, results in the delivery of more oxygen and nutrients. It’s also a potent detoxifier, as it helps rid your body and brain of the heavy metals that contribute to Alzheimer’s disease. And vitamin C can also help improve sleep – a nutrient that many of us don’t think of as a nutrient. But one that is sorely underrated for cognitive health.

Vitamin D
It is estimated that 77% of Americans are suffering from a lack of this all-too-important vitamin. Vitamin D has been shown to reduce the risk of cognitive decline later in life, which means a reduced risk for dementia and Alzheimer’s. Proper amounts contribute to an improvement in mood, memory, and problem-solving ability. Vitamin D is also essential for the proper absorption of calcium.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant all on its own. (And as we now know, antioxidants are a necessity for a healthy brain.) But when combined with vitamin C, the effects are synergistically enhanced. This vitamin pairing, in one recent study, demonstrated an ability to prevent memory loss, and reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

B Vitamins
This vitamin group is known as the “happy vitamins” for their anti-stress abilities. They aid in the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and GABA (gamma-Aminobutyric acid). They reduce the effects of age-related mental decline, and improve memory. And like many of the ingredients on this list, they also protect against Alzheimer’s disease.

An imbalance in neurotransmitters can have a negative effect on mental health. Many have been shown to reduce depression, while dopamine, in particular, helps to improve focus and concentration.

Studies have indicated that two B vitamins stand out when it comes to nootropic benefits: vitamin B6 and folic acid. Both of these greatly reduce levels of homocysteine – a toxic amino acid that is a byproduct of digestion. Studies have demonstrated that homocysteine is a leading cause of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

When you think of calcium, you probably think of strong bones and teeth, and you’d be right. But this mineral is also essential for peak brain functioning, as it helps regulate the important process of neurotransmission, which is the ability of nerve cells to communicate with one another.

Iron deficiency impairs cognitive function. A recent study by the National Academy of Sciences found that variations in iron levels are directly correlated to variations in brain structure integrity. And thanks to the vitamin C in NeuTro, you’re much more likely to absorb the iron.

Magnesium is important for converting B vitamins into an active form your body can use. It also works synergistically with calcium to help prevent neurological disorders. And researchers in one recent study, conducted on rats, discovered that it can also improve both short-term and long-term memory in older adults.

Zinc deficiency can contribute to a general lack of focus, psychological impairment, and has been linked to both Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s. Zinc is also an important mineral when it comes to red blood cells, which carry oxygen to your brain. And a brain low on oxygen, is a brain that’s underperforming.

This naturally-occurring amino acid is the main form of the mineral selenium. Selenium is important because it’s vital for the production of glutathione – one of the strongest and most important antioxidants in the human body.

Copper helps your body better utilize vitamin C. It’s also important for the production of red cells, which, of course, means more oxygen to the brain. Copper is the third most prevalent mineral in your body, despite not being able to manufacture it on its own. Studies have also shown that copper has a direct impact on neurotransmitters, namely dopamine, which contribute to more energy, better focus, and improved mood.

Manganese improves your body’s ability to absorb calcium, vitamin E, magnesium, and several of the B vitamins. It’s important for the normal functioning of the brain and the nervous system. And it binds with neurotransmitters, which creates more efficient transmission of electrical impulses, which results in speeding up cognitive function. In other words, manganese helps your brain work faster.

Manganese is actually a component of the enzyme manganese superoxide dismutase, which is thankfully known as SOD – one of the more powerful antioxidants in the human body. Studies have demonstrated that a proper intake of manganese results in higher IQ scores, and better results in cognitive function tests.

This often-overlooked mineral is important for your brain to function properly, especially in the areas of mood and depression. Researchers at the University of Cincinnati discovered a link between proper chromium levels, improved memory, and greater brain activation in general.

Potassium contributes to neuron and memory functions, as well as improved learning ability. Low levels of this important nutrient contribute to memory loss and confusion. And while most don’t consider potassium a strong antioxidant, one study showed a significant reduction in free radical levels for participants who supplemented with it for 20 days.

When it comes to mineral synergy, potassium, calcium, and magnesium together pack a powerful nootropic punch. When combined, the three promote much better nerve function, which directly correlates to cognitive health. Results of a 2015 study showed that men with the highest combined dietary intake of those three minerals also had a 21% lower of risk of stroke.