Immune Support
Vasodilation & Oxygen Support
NooTropic Brain Support
Stress Relief Support
Weight Loss
Vasodilation, Oxygen, Immune Support
Whole Body Support


Our guarantee
I believe strongly in the quality of my products. I believe they will give you back 20x your investment. I’ve poured my heart and soul into the work, research, and personal usage of these products that enabled me to make a difference my training and competition. I’m very confident it will do the same for you.

So, take your time
So, take your time. Use our products over enough time to have a really positive response.  This way you will feel and receive the full benefits as it kicks in and works for you.

We’re on your side
If the way you feel, your improved training, or competition times cannot be attributed to the use of our products, then you need to consider something else and we support that. We want the best for you, so we’ll gladly issue you a refund. But to honestly know if it works for you, you have to use it regularly & according to the How To Use guidelines. (These guidelines are available after you purchase on the final checkout page).

Really, really try it out
You simply cannot find out if you’ll get the competitive advantage you’re seeking without proper use. So take with discipline and stick it out for at least 30 days to find out. It will be worth it!  It’s a risk-less and meaningful sacrifice to make if it makes a difference in your performance.

We’re all different. Some of us react immediately to supplements, some of us a little later. You didn’t get to be a successful athlete fast. That took time. Be patient, take it properly, and let it go to work for you. There is no other way, so stick it out. It’ll be worth it!